Online application
Is Now Closed
The application deadline is closed
CLEO 2021 Pre-Law Summer Institute Dates are May 24 to July 2, 2021
Penn State Dickinson Law
will be the host law school
Because we care about you and your health, all classes are now online.
CLEO Pre-Law Summer Institute - Application Instructions
To apply to the CLEO Pre-Law Summer Institute, you must:
1. Subscribe to the Credential Assembly Service (CAS) at, so CLEO can receive your Law School Admission Council (LSAC) report.
2. Once on the LSAC application, you will go to the school list which is in alphabetical order. On the list you will see a line titled "non-member schools." Under non-member schools, select "Council on Legal Education Opportunity" (5096).
3. After you subscribe, you must then return to the CLEO website to complete the CLEO application.
4. Write your personal statement before you begin the CLEO application so that you can browse and upload it into the application (in .doc, .jpg or .pdf format ONLY). It must be typed and may not exceed two (2) double-spaced pages. Please pay attention to detail, such as grammar, spelling, and punctuation. Only complete applications will be reviewed.
Your personal statement may include one or more of the following topics. If there is a topic that you would like to discuss that is not listed, please feel free to include it in your personal statement:
1. Disabled, as defined in the Americans with Disabilities Act, in which your disability significantly bears upon your credentials, which do not accurately reflect your ability.
2. Exceptional characteristics or experiences.
3. History of high academic performance despite marginal standardized test scores.
4. History of overcoming disadvantage(s).
5. Scholastic honors, extracurricular activities and/or work experiences.
Non-refundable Policy: At the end of this online application you will be required to pay a $30 application fee by credit/debit card. This fee is non-refundable. Upon acceptance into the program, students are required to pay a $200 seat deposit, which is also non-refundable, by credit/debit card.
You will receive a confirmation e-mail after you have submitted the application.
Attention! All fields marked with (*) in the application form are mandatory.
United States
Event Details
Phone: 240-582-8600
Email Us
Thank you for your interest in applying to the CLEO Pre-Law Summer Institute. Registration for this seminar is now open.
Start Your Registration